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Сб, 18 травня 2024

Music & Lyrics

Music & Lyrics

Music & Lyrics" (2007)

Comedy, Romance & Musical/Performing Arts

Starring: Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore

106 min.

Rated: PG-13 for some sexual content

Alex Fletcher is a washed-up '80s pop star who's been reduced to working the nostalgia circuit at county fairs and amusement parks. The charismatic and talented musician gets a chance at a comeback when reigning diva Cora Corman invites him to write and record a duet with her, but there's a problem--Alex hasn't written a song in years, he's never written lyrics, and he has to come up with a hit in a matter of days.

Enter Sophie Fisher, Alex's beguilingly quirky plant lady, whose flair for words strikes a chord with the struggling songwriter. On the rebound from a bad relationship, Sophie is reluctant to collaborate with anyone, especially commitment-phobe Alex. As their chemistry heats up at the piano and under it, Alex and Sophie will have to face their fears--and the music--if they want to find the love and success they both deserve.

SSerg  (05.10.07 14:46): http://world-art.ru/cinema/cinema.php?id=17889 - отзыв Відповісти | З цитатою
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